Much like other roasted poultry, duck is very delicious with stuffing. It is an incredible way to enhance the meat’s flavour, keep it moist while also serving as an excellent side dish in its own right.

But even knowing that, are there any important stuffing tips that are specific to preparing a perfect roast duck? Well, here are some things that you should keep in mind.

1. Cook it first before the duck.

This might sound tricky (especially when you’re concerned about accidentally overcooking the duck). However, this has more to do with food safety.

Undercooked stuffing is one of the more serious risks in any whole roasted poultry and duck is no exception. It exposes the duck’s cavity to bacteria even if it seems cooked on the outside.

This is because the heat is not always guaranteed to get all the way into the interior (especially if the duck you’re cooking is quite big). So as a rule of thumb, go for a recipe that instructs you to cook the stuffing first (especially if you’re a beginner).

2. Get familiar with basic stuffing mixes.

One of the reasons why there are a lot of different roast duck recipes out there is because there are also a lot of different kinds of stuffing you can make.

On the other hand, they come under certain types and knowing what they are will make it easier to find one that’s fit for your current skill level.

Bread-based stuffing is one the most commonly used for ducks. Some might suggest mixing the bread with milk while others use butter instead. This is then mixed with eggs and flavoured with various spices, fruits, nuts and occasionally other meats (like sausages).

3. Wash the cavity, then seal it tight after stuffing.

Lastly, always remember to wash the cavity to reduce the likelihood of germs contaminating your stuffing.

And once the stuffing’s in, seal up the cavity nice and tight to make sure all the aroma and flavour stays there as it cooks. There is no need to trouble yourself with sewing it up. Binding the gap with a few toothpicks or a metal skewer is already enough.

On a final note, take your time studying different stuffing recipes and figuring out the kind of flavours you want mixing up in yours. Many of these recipes also happen to include mixes for gravy and skin seasoning.

That’s the cool thing about learning how to make great stuffing. You get to see all these amazing transformations of flavour as you scoop it out of the duck after a good roast.

Julia Billyard

Author Julia Billyard

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